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Writing with precise details and razor-sharp metaphors - reminiscent of Marianne Moore - Brown interweaves past and present. He reminisces about spring cleaning in Baltimore, for example, where with 'a yellow bucket sloshing with soapy water' and his father's old bowling shirt, he washed the marble steps of his home on Pratt Street, intent on removing visible city grime. Now, he wonders whether this marble block, as with Michelangelo's, contained art that called out for release.

-Diane Sharper, The Baltimore Sun

Garrett Featured on The Poet & The Poem

Podcast from The Library of Congress







New Poems


"Glitch" and "Manual Recall"

featured in The Account (Fall 2019)





Other Recent Work


"The Camel from the Cotton Seed"

 Footnote #2 (Spring 2019)


"Disassembly Required: A Third View of the Cadaver Room"

Finalist for the Ray Ventre Nonfiction Prize

Passages North (No. 39)


"Nineteen Lines to the Stone Age"

The Summerset Review (Spring 2016)


Galileo in the Uecker Seats


Named a "Notable Essay of 2013" in the

Best American Essays of 2014!

Read the essay in

The Black Warrior Review Issue 39.2


"But while I had learned, from the long yellow bleachers of Memorial Stadium, to pick off Eddie Murray kicking dirt out of his spikes at first base, I had never learned how to identify a constellation, or to distinguish a planet or comet from other astronomical phenomenon.  Still, I was baffled that—when the sky was dark, and the date was right, and the time was right, and the direction that we were facing was right, when every variable seemed to be accounted for—my prey failed to appear."


from: Garrett J. Brown, "Galileo in the Uecker Seats"

Featured in The Black Warrior Review 39.2 Spring/Summer 2013


A  chapbook of poems



"Garrett Brown knows the ways in which changing a part can change the soul. This new collection, a voyeur's wet dream, is ingenious in its parts, unmarked bottles the jewels in Brown's gaze. All of America's superheroes are here, at the next desk down. Somewhere, Studs Terkel is smiling..."

—Rafael Alvarez, author, Tales from the Holy Land


Available from:

Finishing Line Press

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